A battery stores electricity and powers all of the electrical systems in your car. Your vehicle's battery gives power to the ignition system to start your engine. When your car's battery isn't storing electricity properly, your car may fail to start or run properly.
The battery is a vital part of your car; it contains a grouping of cells that are used to make and store electricity. This electricity powers everything electrical in your car: headlights, brake lights, interior lights, wipers, heater, air conditioner, power seats, stereo, power windows, and locks. The battery also provides the electricity needed for the starter to start the engine.
How do you know when there is a problem with your car battery? Ironically, it is not when the battery light comes on and stays on. Most often, when the battery light comes on, that is a sign of yet another problem in the electrical system, so don't rely on the battery light as your sole indicator of a problem with your battery.
There are other symptoms that you should look for to indicate that there is a problem with your car battery. First of all, your car may become harder to start. The engine may crank more slowly than usual. That is usually your first indication. Second, your lights - headlights, dome light, dash lights, etc. - may become dimmer. Thirdly, you may notice erratic functioning of other electrical systems in your car, such as your stereo or power windows. If you are experiencing these problems, or if your car fails to start at all, ask a trained mechanic or technician to help, before you attempt to jump start your car or replace your battery.